Sharing preaching with other devotees

This was a preaching program given by somebody house in which a person passed away , in Trinidad and Tobago , people invited devotees and pundits to give lectures and singing when somebody dies or for any other ocassion , then they feed others with many kind of preparations , we got this picture from one of the persons who was present at that time the quality is not so good but at least you will appreciate something

New Photos

Fire Ceremony

Hi dear godbrothers and friends , i want to share some pictueres taken during a fire ceremony and birthday party with some devotees friends From Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago. I hope you enjoy the pictures. It's a tradition in india and Guyana as well in Trinidad that when somebody birthday they do puja and some special ceremony to invoke the divine presence of the lord, through mantras and prayers, they invited me to do this fire ceremony for them and i with great pleasure did it.

Interview by Radio Jaagriti to Vrinda Mission

Hi to all devotees and friends who are following this blog. This interview was given on Radio Jaagriti the 23 of june . This radio station is one of the most important radio station in Trinidad and tobago and it is listened not only in Trinidad but in other countries like England , Australia Cannada, and many other countries. The two gentleman who invited us and directed the interview were: Pandit Baldeo and Pandit Lal, these two Pandits are very dear in the hindu community , and they do important service for Trinidad and Tobago leading people and carry on devotional activities. Another important person who has supported for many years the hindu community is Mister Satnarayan Maharaja, the Secretary of the Sanatana Dharma oraganization.
Original Video- More videos at TinyPic

Vrinda in Trinidad and Tobago

These are other pictures from Trinidad , you will appreciate devotees from other missions such as Iskcon and Narayan Maharaja's devotees devotees who belong at the Sanatana Dharma, Pandits , etc. Sometimes we share with them doing harinam and sharing prasadam. By the grace of the lord we have god relationships with these organizations, and we hope continue it doing so

Hindues in Trinidad and Tobago

A Hindu Temple here in trinidad and tobago

A Hindu Templo here in trinidad and tobago. Trinidad and tobago has templos like this one , in every village, where Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman and many others devattas are being worshiped daily

This nice lotus flower pound belongs too, at the house,

New Pictures From Trinidad and Tobago

This one is the house in which we stay , we are worshiping by now to Sri Sri Goura Nitay and Ladhu Gopal.

Vrinda Mission going on in Trinidad and Tobago

Hi dear devotees and friends, i inform to you that now in Trinidad and Tobago we have already two devotees more from Colombia theirs names: Sadhu Das, and Gurvanuga Das. We have also started english classes for them. The method is easy , just reading on Bhagavad Gita and looking up the dictionary the words we do not know, so in this way gurudea's desires is being pleased, because Gurudeva wants us to learn english, so Trinidad is an ideal place to learn it. We had our first puja by Sukadeva's house ours friends came and everything was great . We had the Narayan Maharaj's devotees association, who kindly have given help to us too. Many other personalities from differents spiritual groups , until disciples from Nimbarka Sampradaya we had in this festival. Now we stay by Sukadeva'house, a nice big house with a lake full of lotus and tres and beautiful flowers. We are doing daily programs , worshiping Sri Gour Nitay and Sri Ladhu Gopal. The land is still there, we are waiting for Sukadeva to build the templo. As soon i get pictures i wiil you let to know. If someone is interested in helping , just , send a e-mail for me.